As student –You are charged for opening the contact details of registered premium tutors in area selected by you. If as a parent/student you just want to post tuition requirement and can wait for tutors to contact you, then no need to pay for premium plans. But if you want to hire tutor immediately then you can choose from our premium plans and contact tutors immediately for demo class. It is advisable to first see the complete profile of tutor and if profile suits you then open the contacts using credit bought/available in your account


6 Months


Can View the Contact details of the tutors.

Contact to tutors immediately.

Get Ten Tutor Profile Views (Mobile number and Address)(10 credits).

Six Months Validity.

Rs.599/- for Ten Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)


4 Months


Can View the Contact details of the tutors.

Contact to tutors immediately.

Get Five Tutor Profile Views (Mobile number and Address)(5 credits).

Four Months Validity.

Rs.349/- for Five Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)


2 Months


Can View the Contact details of the tutors.

Contact to tutors immediately.

Get Two Tutor Profile Views (Mobile number and Address)(2 credits).

Two Months Validity.

Rs.149/- for Two Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)


As Tutor -You are charged for opening the contact details and address of Students who are searching for best tuition teachers in your area. You can browse posted tuition requirements for free without seeing contact details. You can choose any of our premium plans to see the complete details of contact. Open contact only after analysing the full requirement and if it seems fully suitable for you then you can open contacts using credit bought/available in your account.


6 Months


Can View the Contact details of the Students

Contact to Students immediately.

Get Ten Students Profile views (Mobile number and Address)(10 credits)

Plan valid for SIX MONTHS

Rs.599/- for Ten Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)


4 Months


Can View the Contact details of the Students

Contact to Students immediately

Get Five Students Profile views (Mobile number and Address)(5 credits).

Plan Valid for FOUR MONTHS.

Rs.349/- for Five Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)


2 Months


Can View the Contact details of the Students.

Contact to Students immediately

Get Two Students Profile views (Mobile number and Address)(2 credits).

Plan Valid for TWO MONTHS.

Rs.149/- for Two Credits.(Inclusive Taxes)